What to Pack: La Paz

June 27, 2013

by: Sydney Pfaff

Heading to Bolivia’s largest city and not sure what to bring? We’ve rounded up a few travel-ready essentials perfect for the ever-changing weather of La Paz, from a cozy hand-woven alpaca scarf to a perfectly tailored linen jacket.

With a sky-high altitude, warm-weather items are a must. During their winters (from May through October), the sun comes out strong in the afternoon, but temperatures can get pretty chilly at night (think San Francisco summers). The key: layers, layers, layers. So, equip yourself with pieces you can shed as the day heats up, and be ready to bundle up as soon as the sun goes down. And most importantly, bring shoes that aren’t afraid of hills—there are many and they tend to be on the steep side.


What to Pack: La Paz

Ximena Scarf

Poncho Bag

Bellerose Lino Jacket

Rochas Slip-On Flat

American Optical Gold Aviator



Sydney Pfaff is a San Francisco-based style and travel writer. When not writing, she spends her days plotting out beach missions with her foxy rescue dog, Lulu. Find more of her work at www.sydneypfaff.com.

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