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Antique Mountain Goat Tribal Rug

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Made of multiple strips sewn together, this unusual rug is likely from what is now the Republic of Karakalpakstan, a region in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan. Probably used in a yurt (on the floor or on the wall), the rug features mountain goat horns, which are considered sacred and thought to fight off evil spirits, as a motif. We were told that it dates back to the 1920s.


Karakalpakstan: say it five times fast. An autonomous republic within Uzbekistan that occupies the entire northwestern end of the country, Karakalpakstan is home to a group of people known as—you guessed it—the Karaka... Read More

Details and Dimensions

12.1 x 4.3 ft

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