Fig Leaf Movie Poster – 1966

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Krakow, Poland

Art historians often refer to the ‘male gaze’ in describing the objectification of women in fine art. But what about the women? Are they not gazing too? If this Czech poster, designed for the 1960s Hungarian movie Fig Leaf, is anything to go by, the ‘female gaze’ is alive and well. As the film synopsis puts it, this is a film about a small village shaken up by the unveiling of a new statue, a naked flute-playing boy. Scandalous indeed.


Czech poster art reached its heyday in the 1960s. Unlike the studio-driven movie posters of the West, Czech artists had complete license to interpret films however they saw fit, often without ever having seen the... Read More

Details and Dimensions

16" Height x 11" Width.

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