Gossage & Sons Ltd. Poster

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Malacca, Malaysia

Want to smell as sweet as a (prim)rose? The British company Gossage & Sons, trying to get a leg up in China, thinks you should buy their soap. Whereas earlier Chinese ads featured men playing the parts of women, dressed in imperial robes, this replica of a 1930s-era promotional poster shows a real lady with a western-style hairdo, signaling the transition between imperial and republican China. Over the years, many of these kinds of posters would wash up on the shores of Malaysia, where the Chinese influence has always been strong.


When Parameswara founded the Malacca Empire in 1400, he was determined to turn the port into a major trading destination. Besides setting up trade-friendly infrastructure, he actively courted the Chinese, both for ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

29.5 x 20.75"

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