Art + Color: Orange

We are making the most of the last days of October by celebrating Halloween and the color orange here at ProjectBly. In particular, we are feeling seriously inspired by Helen Frankenthaler’s stunning Orange Lozenge painting.

Born in 1928, Frankenthaler “composed with color” instead of lines. As she explained, “when you first saw a Cubist or Impressionist picture there was a whole way of instructing the eye or the subconscious. Dabs of color had to stand for real things. It was an abstraction of a guitar or a hillside. The opposite is going on now. If you have bands of blue, green and pink, the mind doesn’t think sky, grass and flesh. These are colors and the question is what are they doing with themselves and with each other. Sentiment and nuance are being squeezed out.”


1. Giraffe Ikat Pillow from Bukhara, Uzbekistan | 2. Xolo Dog Alegibre Sculpture from Oaxaca, Mexico | 3. Hand Painted Ceramic Door Knobs from Mumbai, India | 4. Enamel Tiffin Carrier from Malacca, Malaysia | 5. Ximena Scarf from La Paz, Bolivia | 6. Anise Silk Ikat Scarf from Bukhuara, Uzbekistan.

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