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32 Souls Shaman Book

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Hanoi, Vietnam

Named after the 32 souls that are thought to correspond to each human organ, this vintage Shaman book comes from the Northwest highlands of Vietnam. As the healers and knowledge-keepers of the community, Shamans have captured and passed on their wisdom through hand-copied books through the generations. These books are used for everything from marriage ceremonies to healing the sick, banishing evil spirits, predicting the future and even teaching the fundamentals of Feng Shui. The fine calligraphy and aged patina of these pages look striking framed behind glass. 


In the 18th century a number of tribes migrated south from China into the mountains of Northern Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, bringing with them a rich tradition of shamanist practices. Within this deeply ceremonial ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

9 x 10"
Vintage, possibly older. Sold as individual pages (set of 2 per order).

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