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Art Deco Vintage Collar Box

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Krakow, Poland

The rich color blocking and bold geometric shapes of this stylish leather collar box make it a very rare find. Collar boxes, and the detachable collars they held, reached the height of fashion in the late 1800s. And yet, the Art Deco style of this box, combining traditional craft motifs with Machine Age imagery, places it firmly in Europe’s interwar period. How this piece of functional art came to be, we’re not quite sure but we are thrilled that it exists.


As the story goes, detachable collars were invented in 1827 by a housewife in Troy, New York. Tired of trying to remove the dirty ring around the collar on her husband’s shirt, she snipped the collar off entirely, was... Read More

Details and Dimensions

7.5" Width x 3.25" Height.
Leather strap and handle.
Well worn the bottom.
Material inside.

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As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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