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Rasuljon Mirzaahmedov's ikat worshop

Clove Silk Ikat Scarf

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One of a Kind!

Only 1 available

Destination: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Silk ikat is an ethereal textile, which may be one reason its makers are called abr-band, or “cloud-tiers.” This scarf was purchased from a man named Rasuljon Mirzaahmedov, a ninth generation ikat-maker (or shall we say “cloud-tier”?) from the silk—mecca of Margilan. Rasuljon, who runs a workshop in a converted 19th century madrasah, also works with women from the surrounding villages. His ikat has been used in the collections of top international designers and constitutes some of the most beautiful examples of the art.


The Fergana Valley is famous for ikat weaving, which saw a big boom in Central Asia during the 19th century. The two kinds of ikat produced in Uzbekistan are adrasa and atlas; whereas atlas is p... Read More

Details and Dimensions

6.1 x 1.6 ft

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