Meet the Vendor!

Meet the Vendor!

Isabelle Valedian, pictured here showing us the proper way to wear a manta, was born in the town of Tupisa (department of Potosí), but has been in La Paz for almost 45 years.

Laguna Colorada Manta

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One of a Kind!

Destination: La Paz, Bolivia

The stripe of red running down the center of this festive manta, which we purchased from Isabelle Valedian, inspired us to name it after the similarly-hued Laguna Colorada, located in the department of Potosí.


Lying within the vast purview of the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, the Laguna Colorada is a salt lake of a different color, where stripes of red water caused by special varieties of algae alternate w... Read More

Details and Dimensions

3 x 3.8 ft

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