Meet the vendor!

Meet the vendor!

Isabelle Valedian, pictured here showing us the proper way to wear a manta, was born in the town of Tupisa (department of Potosí), but has been in La Paz for almost 45 years.

Litoral Hanging Fish

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One of a Kind!

Destination: La Paz, Bolivia

With his flashy silver scales, this hanging fish immediately caught our eye when we visited the shop of Isabelle Valedian. We named him for the much-missed seaside province that Bolivia lost in the disastrous War of the Pacific, which effectively turned Bolivia into a landlocked country.


The War of the Pacific lasted from 1879-1883. It was an extremely shitty war for Bolivia, in more ways than one. At the heart of it was the Atacama Desert, rich in high-quality nitrate deposits, such as guano (read... Read More

Details and Dimensions

18" L

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