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Senufo Kpelie Mask

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Kumasi , Ghana

The design of this mask comes from the Senufo people of northern Cote d’Ivoire and southeastern Mali. Kpelie masks, used during initiation ceremonies and other occasions of note, are always worn by men, but interestingly enough represent feminine ideals of beauty, as the chief ancestor in the Senufo pantheon is female. Here a hornbill bird perches above the wearer’s forehead, while the lateral projections mimic traditional coiffure and the two protruding “legs” at the bottom tie it to the earth.


There are two important societies that function as the major pillars in Senufo life. The first is the all-male Poro Society, which centers on a female ancestral spirit called “ancient mother,” and upholds religious... Read More

Details and Dimensions

14"L, 7"W

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