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Owner of the Curios Center on Mutton Street, Ishaque specializes in all kinds of brass goods.

Antique Brass Parvati Icon

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Mumbai, India

Also known as Gauri, this antique brass head of Parviti, the Goddess-of-Goddesses is adorned with a tasteful assortment of bling and wears her hair in a topknot, like a Rishi, or Seer.


Wife of Shiva, mother of Ganesha, and all-around supreme earth-mama, Parvati is the Hindu personification of divine feminine creative power. It is she who tames the wild Shiva, and bestows "Shakti," or life energy, to... Read More

Details and Dimensions

4" L, 4" W, 4.5" H 

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