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Meet the vendor!

Owner of the Mini Market on Mutton Street, Shahid Mansoori has been collecting Bollywood posters since he was a little boy.

Mr. 420 Poster (1955)

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Destination: Mumbai, India

Yeah, we know what you were thinking, but the title actually refers to the part of the Indian Penal Code relating to crimes of theft and deception. Now that we’ve got that cleared up, Mr. 420 is the story of Raj, a country boy who comes to the big city (Mumbai) looking for a job, and falls in with some unscrupulous businessmen. Seduced by the high life, Raj becomes a con man, and happily cheats away until the scheme that makes him rich also makes him realize the price he’s paid to get there. Can he salvage his tattered morals? Raj Kapoor directs, produces, and stars in a role heavily influenced by Charlie Chaplin’s "Little Tramp."


What do you get when you pack an ill-fated love triangle, a conniving villain, multiple kidnappings, and a supernatural sidekick, all into three hours of non-stop song-and-dance? That would be a Bollywood film. Produc... Read More

Details and Dimensions

18.75" W, 27" H
This poster is a reproduction

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As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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