Meet the vendor!

Meet the vendor!

Owner of the Mini Market on Mutton Street, Shahid Mansoori has been collecting Bollywood posters since he was a little boy.

Sawan Bhadon Poster (1970)

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Destination: Mumbai, India

The debut film for actors Rekha and Navin Nischol, Sawan Bhadon is the tale of Vikram, a wealthy guy who’s been living in Europe when he decides to return to India... 


Unbeknownst to him, the cunning duo of evil stepmother/stepsister have been happily embezzling his money and it's not long before they decide their newly-returned family member has to go. Multiple murde... Read More

Details and Dimensions

11.5" W, 15" H

Sold Out!
As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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