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Silver Feather Necklace

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

“Keep your husband close; keep your jewelry closer.” At least that seems to be the old wisdom in Uzbekistan, where women—especially wealthy ones—were known to sleep with their jewelry on in the event that their husbands kicked them out in the middle of the night and they had to leave the house with what they had on. This silver necklace with its feathery fringe was purchased from Mirfayz Ubaydov, who has a little stall selling spices and jewelry under one of Bukhara’s old trading domes. The jewelry he sells is made by one of the few silver craftsmen still working in Bukhara, who makes new jewelry from old designs.


More than just aesthetically-pleasing ornaments, jewelry has long been worn as a talisman, protecting its wearer from the likes of the evil eye and other ills, while also providing certain benefits. In Uzbekistan, ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

23" L

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