Vintage Krakow Guidebook

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Krakow, Poland

While we wouldn’t exactly recommend using this decades-old 1931 guidebook to navigate the streets of present day Krakow, there is something delightful about seeing the city’s historic and ‘modern’ sights from the perspective of an entirely different era. While very little has changed in the city’s old town, the districts of Kazimierz and Podgorze are almost entirely unrecognizable. 


As founding stories go, Krakow’s is hard to beat. It all started with a dragon, named Smok Wawelski, who lived under the craggy limestone chambers of Wawel hill. As was his want, Smok Wawelski ate everything and ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

6" Height x 4.5" Width.

Bound with string/rope.
Missing the some back pages.

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