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Vintage Obi Nkte Obi Kwan Mu Si Kente

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Kumasi , Ghana

Rules to live by: literally translating to “sooner or later, one could stray into another person’s path,” the Obi Nkte Obi Kwan Mu Si design expresses the Akan philosophy that one should be tolerant if someone offends you because no one is infallible. Patience, forgiveness, reconciliation, and sympathy are all important parts of the Akan social code embodied by this cloth.


Two friends go hunting in the forest and happen upon a spider spinning her web. Transfixed, they watch the arachnid deftly going about her business for two days and when they come home and try out the new technique... Read More

Details and Dimensions

6.6 ft x 3.3 ft

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As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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