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A Country That Adjoins is on One Ribbon Poster

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Destination: Hanoi, Vietnam

Once a great symbol of French modernity, the train line from Hanoi to Saigon was pulverized and repaired almost continually throughout the war until it was grafted back together by the Communist party in 1975. This poster, painted by Le Minh Ngu, one of Vietnam’s few known propaganda artists, was created in 1976 to celebrate the opening of the “Unification Express”. While ‘express’ may not be entirely accurate, the journey takes from 34 to 44 hours, the train line is certainly a potent symbol of Vietnamese unity.


In 1957 Trung Chin, the Minister of Information for the Northern Democratic Republic of Vietnam, paraphrased the well-known Leninist dogma, declaring, 'Art is only real art if it becomes propaganda'. Over the ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

15 x 10.5" 
A silk-screen reproduction of the original propaganda poster on rice paper. 

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