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‘Abal Rose’ Azilal Blind Knot Berber Rug

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Marrakech, Morocco

Hand-woven by the Imazighen women of the Azilal province in the mid-Atlas Mountains, this plush vintage rug is created with natural wool fibers from the tribe’s black and white sheep. The slight pink tinge comes from natural poppy and pomegranate dyes and the color is believed to offer protection against illness and the evil eye. The design depicts both the woman’s fertility and the protective role of men, and the asymmetry of the blind knot weave is supposed to confuse and confound any harmful intention that may enter the house.


In Morocco, each rug tells the tale of its maker. The maellemas (master craftswomen) who weave the rugs use a language of simple geometric shapes to express the stories of their lives, incorporating e... Read More

Details and Dimensions

6.17 ft x 4.07 ft
Vintage, wool, good condition, minor spots or stains

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