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One of a Kind!

Only 1 available

Destination: Kumasi , Ghana

Just a bit more subtle than t-shirt slogans, Adinkra are traditional Akan symbols that represent ideas or proverbs. This particular cloth includes glyphs for Kete Pa (“good bed,” i.e. good marriage), Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan (“love never loses it’s way home”), Ananse Ntontan (“spider’s web,” associated with creativity), and Musuyide (“good fortune”). How could you wear a wrap like that and not feel like it was you special day?


Ashanti lore holds that the origin of Adinkra cloth goes back to the end of the Ashanti-Gyaman War in 1818, and the capture of Adinkra, the King of Gyaman, who wore a special cloth to communicate his grief at being ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

6.6 x 3.2 ft

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