Meet the artist!

Meet the artist!

There’s a chapter dedicated to Almighty God in “Ghana, Yesterday and Today” by Musee Dapper, and his work has been shown in galleries across Europe, but despite the fame, he still works in an open- air studio by the Suame traffic circle and his works are displayed on the sidewalk.

The Talk of the Woman Sign

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Kumasi , Ghana

An original piece by the internationally renowned artist Kwamer Akato, better known by his alias “Almighty God." What does it mean? Let’s just say it’s open to a variety of interpretations.


Kwamer Akato, aka “Almighty God,” started out painting your usual chop bar and salon signs, but eventually ventured into what he calls “creative art.” Since then he’s gained considerable international fame; h... Read More

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