Vajainti Mala Hand-Painted Photograph

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One of a Kind!

Only 1 available

Destination: Mumbai, India

This vintage photograph has been lovingly painted over by someone who’s clearly a big-time Vajainti Mala fan. Born into an orthodox Tamil Brahmin family, Vajainti Mala was one of the biggest stars of the 1950s/60s, and her success would pave the way for other South Indian actresses trying to break into Bollywood.


Before the actress (known as "Twinkle Toes") became a Bollywood star, she was a Bharathanatyam dancer who performed before Pope Pius XII at the tender age of 5. She began acting at 13, and would go on to star in a num... Read More

Details and Dimensions

8.5" W, 11.25" H
Slight water stains

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