• Having given up on petty crime, today Shahid, known fondly as Shahid bhaiya (bhaiya means “brother” in Hindi) by both Bollywood insiders and kids that play cricket in the alleys of Chor Bazaar, is the owner of the Mini Market on Mutton Street, which has been in his family for three generations. Opened by his grandfather, a one-time movie extra or “junior actor,” the store originally rented props to Bollywood studios. It wasn’t until Shahid started running the place that it became a mecca for Bollywood posters, which have become increasingly rare and sometimes sell for thousands of dollars. Shahid himself has over 60 original, one-of-a-kind, hand-painted posters, and despite having received several generous offers, he can’t bring himself to part with them.

Photography by Shriti Banerjee

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